Particle physics is a branch of physics which studies the nature of particles that are the constituents of what is usually referred to as matter and radiation.
In current understanding, particles are excitations of quantum fields and interact following their dynamics. Although the word "particle" can be used in reference to many objects (e.g. a proton, a gas particle, or even household dust), the term "particle physics" usually refers to the study of "smallest" particles and the fundamental fields that must be defined in order to explain the observed particles.These cannot be defined by a combination of other fundamental fields. The current set of fundamental fields and their dynamics are summarized in a theory called the Standard Model, therefore particle physics is largely the study of the Standard Model's particle content and its possible extensions.
Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia [online]. 2014 [cit. 2014-01-23]. Source:
Educational poster: Standard Model of Fundamental particles and interactions
The particle adventure: Interactive tour of quarks, neutrinos, accelerators and particle detectors